Support service for registered customers.
With the ease of our tools, open a ticket with your incidence.
Detail precisely your problem and accompany it with images or documents to speed up the resolution process.
Once done, you don’t have to do anything else!
Our tool will immediately assign a technician to your issue.
The technician will review your ticket and get to work to solve it.
During this process, all actions carried out will be recorded.
All the actions will be registered and you will receive them in your email.
You can add or modify the content of your isuue at any time or respond to requests made by the assigned technician.
If scaling is necessary, it will be done automatically.
When the technician considers your incident resolved, it will be reflected in your ticket.
You will receive the resolution communication in your email, being able to end the incident.
If you do nothing, your issue will be terminated.
You can close your issue at any time.
Our technicians will consider it closed at the end of its resolution.
Once closed, it will appear in your history and may be part of the knowledge base.
Systems support for registered customers.
Database systems support.
Web systems support.
Application support.
Email support.